BBI needed a complete over-haul and it was my privilege to do it. I started by sitting down with BBI and brainstormed company’s goals with the owner of the BBI and the CEO of the Madzik Agency. Previously BBI’s brand had been focusing on selling itself to architects, with the esthetics very angular and monochromatic. BBI had in-house architects and interior designers as well as a crew of construction workers and fabricators and they needed to redirect their marketing position to sell directly to the end consumer. I wanted to highlight the beautiful photography of their transformed spaces and present the brand in an approachable way that could be easily palatable to those not so savvy with the technical aspects of architecture & construction world.
First I set out to rebrand Beton Builder’s logo, everything else would be based on this. In the end a simple, bold and modern logo was created.
I designed all interactive and print work, and ensured that the new branding was consistent across all mediums. I went on to build BBI’s front facing website, and a client site which housed: images, videos, architectural drawings, and up-to-date progress reports on the client’s renovation project. To feed this client area I also needed to design an easy to use CMS website for BBI’s project managers to utilize. I integrated an easy to used drag and drop image uploading system. I worked closely with our off-site (Washington DC) developer, he hadn’t yet programmed that type of functionality before and we were both extremely happy with the results.
I also brought BBI into the world of social media, setting up and populating their new Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as teaching BBI’s staff how to maintain and update their new networks. For online advertising I designed and coded flash web banners which ran on Trulia.com, I was also the lead on the media buy. And also created email-blast campaigns using Mailchimp.com’s system.
Print collateral was also designed. Including: Business Cards, Invoices, PO Forms, Proposal Templates, TShirts, a Brochure, and a Holiday Card. For all of the print work I was also lead on service bureau cost analysis and buying, I also worked directly with the printers to ensure that the projects were done correctly, on-time, and on-budget.
Copywriting on BBI’s website and print collateral was also written by yours truly.
Thanks for reading, I know there’s a lot here… It was a big project.
Beton Builders Inc.
Madzik Agency
Slickerhat Development
1-800 Postcards
My Roles:
Creative Director
Interactive Design
Project Management
Logo Design
Print Design
Clothing Design
Social Media
Email Campaigns
Media Buying